Protests Today In London 2024 All Riots And Counters

Protests Today In London 2024 All Riots And Counters

Pro-Palestinian march draws thousands in London with protests across UK -  BBC News


The streets of London are ablaze with tension as far-right protests clash with determined counter-demonstrators. In the wake of recent events, communities grapple with fear and uncertainty. Let’s delve into the unfolding drama.

The Situation

  • Far-Right Protests: Over 100 far-right gatherings were planned across the UK, including London12.
  • Counter-Protests: Communities mobilized, with at least 30 counter events organized nationwide1.
  • Specialist Police: Thousands of specialist officers stand ready to respond.
  • Boarded-Up Businesses: Mosques, businesses, and shops have boarded up their premises in anticipation of unrest.
  • Anti-Racist Demonstrations: Peaceful counter-protests in Birmingham, Bristol, and London unite voices against hate.


  1. London:
    • Harrow, Hounslow, Finchley, and Walthamstow: These boroughs are on high alert as far-right demonstrations are feared.
    • Counter-Protests in the Capital: Activists and concerned citizens are organizing counter-protests to outnumber the agitators1.
  2. Other Cities and Towns:
    • Middlesbrough, Birmingham, Blackpool, Liverpool, Oxford, and Hull: These locations have been identified as potential protest sites1.
    • Riots and Clashes: Chaos erupted in several places, including Birmingham, Belfast, and Plymouth. Over 400 people have already been arrested in the wake of disorder across the country2.

Muslims, migrants, and refugees are on edge, fearing violence3.

London - latest news, breaking stories and comment - The Independent

Casualties and Losses:

    • 428 arrested120 charged.
    • Over 50 officers injured, some seriously.
    • Multiple police dogs and horses injured1.

What are the specific demands of each group?

  1. Far-Right Groups:
    • Anti-Immigrant Policies: Far-right parties in western Europe often advocate for strict anti-immigrant policies1.
    • Nationalism and Xenophobia: They make nationalist and xenophobic appeals. Also emphasizing ethnic nationalism over civic nationalism2.
    • Online Organizing: Shadowy far-right groups organize actions online, using phrases like “save our kids” and “stop the boats” in reference to asylum-seekers crossing the English Channel.
  2. Counter-Demonstrators:
    • Refugee Support: Counterprotestors carry signs saying “Refugees Welcome” and express solidarity with immigrants1.
    • Opposition to Racism: They stand against far-right ideologies and racism. Also advocating for human rights regardless of color or creed.

Raw Emotions

  • Bristol’s Calm: Despite a dystopian atmosphere, Bristol remains calm, with police presence outside key locations.
  • Fearful Communities: Lawyers forced to move due to far-right threats express concern for their safety.
  • Anti-Fascist Resilience: Anti-fascist protesters stand firm, determined to protect vulnerable communities4.

How have emergency services responded to these incidents?

  1. Increased Police Deployment:
    • 6,000 riot officers have been deployed to tackle unrest at 38 identified hotspots.
    • Thousands of additional police officers are on standby for potential further disturbances.
  2. Court Proceedings:
    • Defendants related to the riots have started appearing in court2.
  3. Impact on Frontline Responders:
    • Emergency service leaders have called for an end to the riots. ALso highlighting the strain on frontline responders dealing with disorder3.


As London braces for potential unrest, the clash of ideologies reverberates through its streets. The outcome remains uncertain, but one thing is clear: resilience and unity will shape the city’s response. 🌆🤝

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