Learning Resources for NMC OSCE Exam 2022

Learning Resources for NMC OSCE Exam 2022

NMC OSCE Guide: Key Insights for Overseas Nurses

This article is dedicated for all the nurses who are looking for learning resources to prepare for NMC OSCE. Is there an approved format for NMC OSCE? Is there any guarantee that you will pass your exam if you prepare for your NMC OSCE in the way your trainer has prepared you? The answer is no. All the trainers even the NHS hospitals train the candidates appearing for OSCE in a guided manner.

Yes, some of the trainers are trained with universities for NMC – train the trainer course for OSCE. But still there is no specified order or method like a written book which guarantees success if you follow the steps detailed in it. So, the question arising now is How to make sure that you have well prepared for your NMC OSCE? This article helps you with learning resources available for preparation of NMC OSCE and also most importantly how to use it?

NMC OSCE is now conducted by the following centers – Oxford Brookes, Northampton University, Ulster University, Northumbria University and Leeds teaching hospitals NHS trust. Before it was only conducted by three centers. There were problems with marking of OSCE and the way it was conducted. So, these centers together came with the idea of set guidelines for conducting NMC OSCE. These were published in the center websites helping candidates to get an idea of how OSCE is done? These are the documents available at all centers for the candidate information.

Learning Resources for NMC OSCE Exam

Lets discuss the those one by one

Adult OSCE Marking Criteria

This document involves bullet points on how your performance in OSCE is marked in each stations of assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation, evidence based practice and professional values & behaviors station. This also have marking criteria for all the skills you may need to perform in the NMC OSCE. Adult OSCE Marking Criteria is considered as the bible of NMC OSCE.

When practicing NMC OSCE please make sure that you are not missing any point laid down in the marking criteria. For example In the stations like evidence based practice, professional values and behavior station you need to by heart the marking criteria depending on the specific scenario. These are silent writing stations in NMC OSCE.

Adult Marking Criteria downloads

  1. Adult Nursing Marking Criteria 2021 V.6 (latest)
  2. Adult Nursing Marking Criteria Sept 2021
  3. Adult Nursing Marking Criteria July 19 2019 Update
  4. Adult Nursing Marking Criteria May 24 2019 NMC OSCE
  5. Adult Marking Criteria NMC OSCE (old one)

OSCE Time limits document

We are very sure that you will be practicing different stations within the time limit given in the scenario. This document provides you with time limit for each stations and skills. It can be changing once in a while, so it’s necessary for you to read this document to make sure that you are within the loop. For eg. ANTT was a fifteen minutes station in old osce (legacy osce) which is now a twenty one minute station in new OSCE. ANTT skill is now combined with wound assessment skill as well. So, its important for you to know the time limit of this station and to practice these skills together within the given time frame.

Time limits for NMC OSCE stations from November 2022 (V1.6) – Download Now

Time Limits for NMC OSCE Stations 2022 – Download Now

Everything you need to know about the NMC's OSCE exam as an international  nurse | ID Medical

Adult OSCE Top Tips

This document provides the tips to pass your OSCE. In other words this document depicts the actions that can make you fail OSCE. It’s a must read when you are preparing for your NMC OSCE. Even though many trainers make their own marking criteria, these top tips and marking criteria laid down by these centers are the prime documents. Hence, it’s essential for candidates preparing for NMC OSCE to go through this document very carefully.

OSCE Top Tips and Tricks Downloads 

OSCE Top tips NMC 2022 July

Adult Nursing Top Tips July 19 2019

Adult Nursing Top Tips May 24 2019

NMC OSCE Top Tips and Tricks

Mock Scenarios

This document helps you know how the scenarios are given in each station. It also has sample Medicine administration record which is the prime document in implementation station. Its important to know what will be given in each scenario or station. For example you need to know the codes for not administering a medication and also the space for writing your reason in the MAR document. Also, you need to practice writing your nursing interventions in the planning station in the prescribed document and prescribed space given.

You also should practice writing the interventions along with the signature in the specified place in the document within the given time frame. Its horrible to know that some candidate have failed the planning station for merely forgetting to put their signature in. In mock scenario document, you  will also get sample sheets of the NEWS2 document, Neurological assessment document and PHQ9 document as well. Its important you familiarize with these ones before you attend your NMC OSCE.

Mock Scenario document – NMC OSCE mock scenario

Candidate information Booklet

Candidate information booklet may be a bit different in different centers. Usually, the main purpose of this document is what to expect at your OSCE center, what to wear for your osce, etiquettes expected from candidates, the confidentiality agreement etc. It’s useful to have a glance on this document as well before you leave to your test center. Please download the documents from below.

Oxford Brookes – Candidate Journey Oxford Brookes NMC OSCE

Candidate Information Booklet – Candidate Journey Oxford Brookes NMC OSCE

OSCE Preparation – How to prepare for your OSCE V3 Oxford Brookes?

Candidate Information Booklet – Candidate-Information-Booklet-Version-1.3 Ulster

OSCE Support Material Ulster – OSCE-support-materials-Ulster

How unilondon.co.uk/ is helping you to prepare for your NMC OSCE?

Unilondon.co.uk has accumulated all the above specified documents for preparation of your NMC OSCE. Further more, have laid down our foundation in the bible of OSCE that is Adult OSCE Marking Criteria while explaining each of the stations. We are now improving our documents from the suggestions and recommendations from our colleagues who has recently attended the NMC OSCE. In case if you have any suggestions, recommendations or other documents that you think can help others considerably other that given on our website, please send us those on https://unilondon.co.uk/

New NMC OSCE Updates in 2024 - Mentor Merlin Blog

Here are some more documents which may help you,

Glove Requirement – NMC OSCE Glove Requirement

Hand Rub in OSCE – Hand Rub for NMC OSCE

Hand Wash in OSCE – Hand Wash For NMC OSCE

Infection Control Precautions in OSCE – Infection Control Precautions in NMC OSCE

Use of Apron in OSCE –  Apron Use in NMC OSCE

The Code – NMC – NMC Code 2018

Adult Nursing Reading List – Adult-nursing-Reading-List

UK Guidelines for BLS – BLS Guidelines for NMC OSCE

Disclaimer – Click Here

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