Katy Perry’s Comeback Bombing: Reviews

Katy Perry’s Comeback Bombing: Reviews About Her Feminist Song Woman’s World

Here's The Controversy Surrounding Katy Perry's New Single “Woman's World”

Katy Perry’s Comeback: What Went Wrong?

Perry’s highly anticipated return to the music scene with her feminist anthem, “Woman’s World,” has not gone as planned. Released on July 11, 2024, the song has faced significant criticism and backlash. Here’s a closer look at what went wrong with her comeback.

The Single: “Woman’s World”

Katy Perry’s comeback single, “Woman’s World,” was intended to be an empowering anthem celebrating women. However, the song has been met with harsh criticism for its unoriginality and uninspired lyrics. Critics have labeled it a “dead on arrival disaster,” and fans have expressed disappointment over the lack of creativity.

Controversial Collaborations

One of the major points of contention has been Perry’s collaboration with Dr. Luke, a producer who has faced serious allegations of abuse from singer Kesha. This partnership has led to backlash from fans, with some accusing Perry of being “morally bankrupt” for working with him. The controversy surrounding Dr. Luke has overshadowed the music itself, also further damaging Perry’s comeback efforts.

Unoriginal Aesthetics

Perry’s promotional materials and teaser logos drew comparisons to Charli XCX’s aesthetic, also leading to allegations of unoriginality. This lack of originality has been a recurring theme in the criticism of “Woman’s World,” with many fans feeling that Perry has failed to bring anything new or exciting to the table.

Negative Reception

The song’s preview on TikTok was quickly criticized for its “sickly sweet” lyrics and uninspired sound, leading to its temporary removal from the platform. Additionally, a track sampling Crystal Waters’ “Gypsy Woman” received negative reactions, with one Twitter user commenting that Perry had “sucked all the life out of one of the best songs of all time”.

Katy Perry officially releases new song Woman's World – and fans are completely obsessed - Heart

The Music Video

Despite the song’s poor reception, Perry released a music video for “Woman’s World” on July 11, 2024. The video features Perry as a pin-up girl in a female-led apocalyptic world, causing fun mayhem with her fellow women. While the video aims to be empowering, it has not been enough to salvage the song’s reputation.

How has Katy Perry responded to the criticism?

Katy Perry has acknowledged the criticism surrounding her comeback single, “Woman’s World.” In a recent interview, she expressed her disappointment but also emphasized her commitment to creating music that resonates with her fans. She stated that she values the feedback and is also taking it into consideration for her future projects.

Perry also addressed the controversy regarding her collaboration with Dr. Luke, explaining that she understands the concerns and is reflecting on her choices. She reassured her fans that she is dedicated to making music that is both meaningful and respectful.


Katy Perry’s comeback has been marred by a series of missteps and controversies. From unoriginal aesthetics to contentious collaborations, “Woman’s World” has struggled to resonate with audiences. As Perry navigates this challenging period, it remains to be seen how she will recover and what direction her music will take next.

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