Blood Glucose Monitoring – NMC OSCE Skill Station

Blood Glucose Monitoring – NMC OSCE Skill Station

blood glucose monitoring nmc osce skill november 2022Blood glucose monitoring is another skill in NMC OSCE skill station  Time limit for this station is 8 minutes. Moreover, this can be one of the skills among four skills you need to demonstrate in your exam. Lets discuss more about this skill in this article.

Blood Glucose Monitoring skill for OSCE

Usually, a manikin will be provided for this skill. Examiner will give voice over for candidates questions.

Like all other skills, blood glucose monitoring skill can be divided into 3 phases which are Introduction phase, procedural phase and post – procedural phase.

Introduction Phase

Introduce yourself to patient as the nurse for the day with your name. Confirm patient’s name, dob and hospital number.

Then, you need to explain the procedure to the patient by saying “I’m here to check your blood glucose level” and gains consent by saying “Is that okay with you? Can i proceed now?”

Procedural Phase

In this phase, candidate assembles the equipment required and checks that the strips are in date and have not been exposed to air.

Cleans own hands with alcohol hand rub, or washes with soap and water and dries with paper towels, following WHO guidelines.

Dons a disposable plastic apron and non-sterile gloves.

Checks that the patient’s hands are visibly clean.

Takes a single-use lancet and takes blood sample from the side of finger, ensuring that the site of piercing is rotated. Avoids use of index finger and thumb.

Inserts the testing strip into the glucometer and applies blood to the strip. Ensures that the window on the test strip is also entirely covered with blood.

Verbalises giving the patient a piece of gauze to stop the bleeding.

Blood Glucose Monitoring Training for Nurses and Carers

Post Procedural Phase

In this phase candidate ensures that all sharps and non-sharp waste are disposed of safely (including scooping method of re-sheathing, if used, and transportation of sharps) and in accordance with locally approved procedures.

Cleans hands with alcohol hand rub, or washes with soap and water and dries with paper towels, following WHO guidelines – verbalisation accepted.

Candidate also need to verbalise whether the result is within normal limits and indicates whether any action is required.

Finally, candidate will document the result accurately, clearly and legibly.

Documentation format is given below,

Blood glucose monitoring

Blood Glucose Monitoring is another simple procedure in NMC OSCE. This one of the common procedures nurses do everyday regardless of their area of practice.

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